Full-time vs Part-time Degrees: What To Consider

Full-time vs Part-time Degrees


Every decision concerning college has its advantages and disadvantages, however not more than deciding whether to take full-time or part-time student degrees. While making this decision, always remember that you should take up a degree that accommodates you best.

Difference between full-time and part-time student hours

The most apparent difference between part- and full-time student hours is the number of credit hours taken per semester. Full-time degrees have typically a minimum of twelve credits which is equivalent to around four classes per semester. Part-time degrees are generally somewhere between six and eleven credits which are equivalent to about two to three classes per semester. Hence, a full-time student spends more time in class during a semester than a part-time student does.

The difference in college tuition between full-time and part-time degrees

Part-time students are usually asked to pay per credit hour. Hence, they pay less than what a full-time student pays per semester. Tuition fees reach a cap once a student completes enough credits for full-time status. Therefore, a student who is taking eighteen credits will pay the same tuition fees as a student who is taking the minimum of twelve credits. That being said, there is also an option called a “full course load”. In some universities, you need permission to be able to take more classes than what is considered a full course load. Additionally, you may also have to pay for extra classes.

Benefits of choosing one over the other

Choosing part-time

Choosing a part-time degree in Singapore is a great choice as part-time degrees have a more flexible schedule compared to full-time degrees. For instance, it’s a lot easier to take two classes that don’t overlap than working with five classes. With a part-time degree, it’s easier to tackle work and other responsibilities moving through with your college degree. Additionally, it is more convenient to pay off tuition expenses as you go while you study part-time as you will have the time to work and earn money. This is primarily a benefit when you cannot get scholarships do not want to take out big loans. Attending a part-time college can also help you in earning in-state residency and therefore attaining in-state tuition. This is useful if there is a significant difference as you cannot get residency in most states while attending full-time college.

Choosing full-time

One of the best benefits of choosing a full-time college is that you will be able to complete your degree in the shortest time possible. There are many scholarships offered that require you to be a full-time student for you to attain them. These scholarships can help eliminate the difference in expenses. However, you will have to be qualified to apply for them and continue working hard to maintain them. Additionally, to help balance out the overall cost after reaching the tuition cost cap, you will no longer be asked to pay per credit. This means that you get the most out of your money; as you just have to deal with a higher tuition cost up-front.

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Many colleges also require that you be a full-time student to live on campus. Check with the college’s policies on this matter before making your decision if living on campus is what you want to do.

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